Monday, 30 June 2008

Yes...Linda releasing her album at the end of August. Finally, after the long waiting, she's going to release her first album. Ever since that the news say that Linda have sign contract to become a singer, I was hoping that she could release album fast, but after around 4 to 5 months, she finally releasing her album soon. An one more thing, if I'm not wrong, Raymond will be releasing his album around that time. Woo...Both of my favourite artist are releasing their album. Super happy... ...
Well as I'm in Singapore, so maybe I ask my friend help me buy the album when they go HK or maybe when I go HK at around end of October. But my trip to HK is not confirm yet cuz my cousin is not sure whether she can take leave or not. If can then is the best.
Now hoping to watch HOG 2 :) Yes...Can see Linda and Raymond in the show again. After watching HOG 1, I started to like their chemistry. Ok, although in part 1 sometime Alfred( Raymond ) attitude towards Sheung zoi sum ( Linda ) is not, but I still find some part quite sweet and romantic. I love the part when they were on the boat and the part where Sheung zoi sum play saxophone on Alfred birthday...
Enough talking about it, the more I talk about it, the more I feel like watching it.
I shall end my post here.

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